Fair. Respectful. integer

As a company, it is important for us to define how we treat each other, how we work, how we act - whether internally or externally. Our aim is always to act respectfully and fairly and to maintain integrity in business transactions - at all times. We have documented this claim in all areas and our measures and guidelines are known and accessible to all teams.

Equal Opportunities & Equal Treatment

We live diversity, are actively committed to inclusion and create an environment that promotes the individuality of each individual, ensures equal opportunities and equal treatment of all employees in order to prevent discrimination. In particular, discrimination based on ethnic, national and social origin, gender, religion, ideology, disability, age or sexual identity is strictly prohibited. The promotion of diversity is an integral part of our corporate strategy and anchored in our values ​​and our code of conduct. The compatibility of work and family, mobile working, home office, flexible office and working hours and parent-child offices is important to us.

Working Conditions & Health Protection

A healthy, safe workplace is an essential element of our corporate strategy. A responsible office for the area of ​​occupational safety advises on questions of occupational safety, health and fire protection as well as on all questions of accident prevention, so that we can guarantee our employees a legally compliant, safe and ergonomic working environment. The focus here is on protection against occupational hazards, the constant improvement of working conditions, the optimization of work organization and the promotion of health. Everyone is responsible for complying with applicable health and safety laws, regulations and standards in their workplace to ensure the health and safety of all employees and visitors.

Employees & Human Rights

We are aware of the importance of human rights at all levels of our corporate activities. We therefore ensure that the International Core Labor Standards (ILO) and national standards and regulations are observed. We do not accept any form of child labor, forced or compulsory labor. We comply with all relevant national and international laws, rules and regulations, as well as applicable international standards. Our human resources policy is based on strong employee identification with the company. In all areas, we only use qualified personnel who have appropriate professional training or further training and who carry out the assigned tasks professionally. We see our future in the qualification and motivation of our employees.

Conduct & Integrity

Our employees undertake to be fair, respectful and trustworthy in all activities and business relationships, to observe the applicable laws, regulations and internal instructions in the respective area of ​​responsibility. Benefits in the form of hospitality and invitations are only justified within a reasonable framework and must not violate internal or legal regulations. Employees of the HEICO Group may not request any benefits.

Employees must avoid any appearance of being receptive to personal gain in the course of their work for the company and must not base their decisions solely on factual considerations. It is important to us to avoid conflicts between private and business interests, or even the appearance of them. We make our decisions solely on the basis of factual criteria and do not allow ourselves to be influenced by personal interests and relationships.

Competition & Subcontractors

We act in the market as a fair and responsible competitor and are fully committed to complying with applicable competition and antitrust laws. We do not participate in anti-competitive or anti-trust agreements or agreements with other companies that have the purpose or effect of restricting or preventing competition. When selecting suppliers and subcontractors, we try to determine, evaluate and prioritize the risks in the supply chains as far as possible. We respect human rights and the environment by implementing defined due diligence obligations. For us, these are standards for our own business area and also for the actions of a contractual partner, the actions of other (indirect) suppliers as far as possible.

Risk Management

We successfully counter potential dangers. We see this as a continuous process that is firmly integrated into our operational procedures as a regular procedure. Existing needs for action are documented and controlled via action plans and dates. We have defined plans and procedures for a wide variety of emergency scenarios that optimally prepare us for every possible situation. There are representative positions in the organization for all qualifications, including key functions. Thanks to the high level of software support and system integration, combined with clear work specifications (standard operating procedures), all specific information about the business processes and projects is clearly defined and documented. All trades relating to technical and infrastructural services have multiple redundancies, so that a quick and flexible response can be made in the event of a failure.